Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I thought maybe someone else might enjoy a little advice :)

The emotions are good to come out... they are also a sign that you could use a little more nurturing... You can do this by noticing a sunset... playing hooky from the world... buying yourself some sunflowers and know that it is all because of beauty and love...

We can't do everything all by ourselves... sometimes you need to just call a friend or someone you don't know very well and get a cup of tea and walk around the block

sometimes shopping is fun... no need to buy anything

sometimes... waking up early and lying in bed and dozing in and out of sleep is good.

there is something that is good for you... something that you find beautiful that fills your spirit with love, with devotion... sometimes a trip to santa fe in this festive season to walk around with all the people and the lights and the bitter winds is just the right medicine.

know that you are loved and that you are love. you can nourish yourself through food though and action...