Friday, December 5, 2008

I've been away...

Wow... I have to begin by saying that the time since mid terms has flown by... between thanksgiving and finals... i am swamped...

i thought i might let people know what is going on in the real life a little bit.

I went to Tuscon to see my very good friend, Candace... and it was really nice to be there and make jewelry with her son, Preston... some of you received a picture... We visited the san xavier mission... very nice, very relaxing... and what a drive... it was some of the most extraordinary scenery ever changing... very highly recommended.

I have my first show! jewlery show a week from saturday... i am hoping that is goes well and that i can make a lot of stuff by then... I am also communicating with people down here who are interested in the work for spring... :) yippee!

My sanskrit final is monday... yikes
and the big finals are a week from tuesday and a week from wednesday.

wish me luck...

i will be in st. louis and washington DC over the holidays. and i CANT WAIT TO SEE CLAIRE... and of course every one that i am able to see.

I think if i were to summerize how i feel and what i am learning... it would be this...

Be aware of as much as you can... When you hear a song, how does it feel in your body? Does you heart rate change, does your breathing change. When you eat, how does it taste, what does it do in your body, how do you feel afterward? When you are with people, friends, family, work associates, how do they resonate within you, how do you feel? How do you feel after they leave? Does you heart rate change, your breathing. We have a choice what our life looks like and how it affects us. Be Aware... and make a choice in perception or company or food or movies. Purposely fill you life with the things that you want in your life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was so wonderful to see you. I like being able to read about what you are doing. I especially like what you posted in the last paragraph. Since you came to visit, I have been trying to do this more. It is not always easy. Tuning in to myself is something that I need to do more of -- especially now. Thank you for this and your wonderful friendship.
I love you!