Saturday, March 7, 2009

it's my party!!

today i am 33... and i am happy...

it is a funny thing you know, to have a birthday and realize that you are older and i guess most people i know are a little shy about becoming older... women also dont so much want to admit how old they are... but i have to say... although i did not put much stock in another birthday, this one is almost a testament to my practice, my choices and my life...

i am a practitioner of ayurveda, meditation, pranayama and thoughtful living... and it is this attention and awareness that brought a 33 year old woman into a position where most people think i am a lot younger than i am, even though my hair is grey. this 33 year old woman is healthier, happier, and more conscous in life and creativity and lerning than i ever was when i was younger... and i believe this to be due to food and lifestyle...

so this old young late sits writing to you from a tea house listening to jazz and observing all that this existence is , as far as i am able... and i write to you with a bliss in my heart... in my cells... and i hope for all who read this to take one hour out of thier day to do and be totally aware of what they are doing... no guilt, no judgement no pride... just do each thing with total awareness... no multitasking... if you eat, eat. if you smoke a cigarette, don't read and listen and drive at the same time, just smoke. if you notice the bird, observe it... be with the notification... no judgement, no guilt, no pride...

hey! i heard that gasp... that's right, i am not advocating smoking, i am simply asking you to really look at what you are doing and be with it... eventually you can ask yourself these actions are supportive of you happiness...

it's my birthday and i feel so good... i hope you can give this gift to yourelf i love you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful gift to remember. thank you! much love to you