Saturday, February 21, 2009

diagnosis... critical eye

you can see the organs of your body in the iris of your eyes... this week i have spent looking into the irises of others and reading their organs, their family histories of alcoholism, diabetes... looking at history of bronchitis... lower back pain... it is amazing... on the tongue i can see how the persons GI tract is working... how the nutrition of organs is affected... in the nails... i can assess even other things...

but in the eyes... look into someone's eyes for a long time... and you see them... native peoples believe that you can see a person's soul if you look into their eyes which is why when you meet a native person you look into their third eye point and not into their eyes.

there is a lot of energy in the eyes... and it is amazing to learn to see them in their eyes allowing you educate them on how to proceed in their path...

next week, pulse diagnosis... 7 layers of the pulse... another tool used to assess the organs of the body and its imbalances

life is an amazing thing

a beautiful thing

and it is in looking into life and experiencing moment to moment awareness that we are alive... this is Ayurveda

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